To compress files into one file.


Make sure you have a compressed program installed on your system.  If not you do not have Winzip then you can use Iceows which is a free program on the RCCC website. 


Screen shot of the steps listed above



Group the files together or select them at one time using the ctrl key on the keyboard and place them in a folder.  When they are all selected right click and click the program name you have (mine is Iceows) you see an option to make into a .zip file.  Do not choose another option; I may not be able to open. 




Once you click on Make option depending on how many individual files you are combining will determine how long it takes.  Once it is finish you will see a file with the name and extension (zip).  Send this file to the dropbox.



Screen shot of the final result


Some of you may not be used to this option of sending email so call or email if you have any questions.